
Third Party anyone? The Republicrats continue to mire us in red ink. Lesser of two evils breeds more evil. Can we just cast a vote for those not on the jock strap of the special interests? Listen to the program that sheds some light on how NOT to be snookered, deceived, misled nor BAMBOOZLED by the carnival barkers in D.C. We have choices and let's think about the options.

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Class Struggle

Class warfare is best understood as a class struggle. The vast majority of us are struggling to improve our standard of living and have a better way of life. Today Bamboozled squares the rhetoric with the reality. It is our right and duty to struggle with those who would deny each and every citizen a seat at the table. It is time for us to recognize the struggle is between the haves and the have nots.

Social Security

Social Security is a hard fought program established by the people in support of seniors. The notion of an entitlement is all semantics. Today we examine the reality of the program and how the grifters-GOP-would like to end a successful people's pension program. We paid for it and we damn better well fight for it!

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