
Third Party anyone? The Republicrats continue to mire us in red ink. Lesser of two evils breeds more evil. Can we just cast a vote for those not on the jock strap of the special interests? Listen to the program that sheds some light on how NOT to be snookered, deceived, misled nor BAMBOOZLED by the carnival barkers in D.C. We have choices and let's think about the options.

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Struggle for Equality

The struggle for equality continues and remains the central challenge facing the nation. Today's program examines the long road to equality. It remains elusive. Yet the road there has been a defining story in this nation's long history. Toady we reach back into the past and carry it through the end of the Civil War. Next time, we will carry into the present and then examine the struggle for equality confronting women

Education at Risk

The cuts keep coming and we hear about to the bone. No these are amputations. There are alternatives. An initiative petition is making the rounds: Oil Extraction Tax. It is about time. This is a no brainer. Meanwhile, here in Davis the public continues to grapple with the issue of tax itself to pay for education. We pay more and get less. It is time to tax the Big Oil.

Cuba II

The recent changes in U.S. and Cuban policy are sweeping across the island. Can the Cubans continue on the path of their independence. Their safety net is fraying and the unprecedented amount of U.S. people to people programs are having their impact. What is next for Cuba?

Cuba, I

I just returned from a trip across the island. This is the 22nd visit to the island. A group came on an educational program and learned the history of independence movement in the 19th century through the present, ecological state of Cuba today, Nicolas Guillen, Carlos Finlay, Che Guevarra and a cast of historical figures. Listen and learn about this fascinating series of meetings and experiences.

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