The impacts of COVID-19 sharply impact cities, and still there are things like municipal measures (such as MeasureJ/R) and local elections to consider. We talk about that and more with Davis Mayor Brett Lee. Today's conversation included an overview of how the pandemic is impacting the city's budget as it prepares for a new fiscal year starting July 1, 2020. We also heard from Jessica Hubbard of Yolo Community Foundation about this week's local giving program #BDOG2020 for the Big Day of Giving, which is this Thursday, May 7, and the foundation's donor engagement program. The Yolo Community Foundation is spearheading an effort to raise awareness and funding for our region's hard-working nonprofit organizations with the Yolo COVID-19 Relief Initiative. This initiative is made possible through the partnerships with Yolo County and the cities of Davis, West Sacramento, Winters and Woodland.
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