Ruby Mountain String Band to appear on Listening Lyrics 8/28/15 at 4:00PM


Ruby Mountain String Band visits KDRT

Ever heard of  "Old time Americana Fusion" want to know what it sounds like? Join us with the Ruby Mountain String Band. Once upon a time, in a town called Haiku (spelled backwards) four devotees of trad music bumped into each other in an organic food co-op; one was a cellist, one a fiddler, two played guitars, banjoes and sang. A banjo player and guitarist also favored song writing. All liked CapeBreton/scottish fiddle tunes. So, how many musicians walked into the co-op?.

Cliff Landis - Guitar, Vocals, Banjo and Fiddle, Julia Landis - Guitar, Vocals, Darin Smith - Cello, other things.

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