Mountain Mama apologizes to poet Jonathan Greenhause

Dear listeners,

Back in October on Mountain Mama's Black Magic show I read an amazing poem entitled "Fallen In Sectional Constructions," by Jonathan Greenhause.

Somehow in the production of the show I incorrectly identified the poet who wrote this wicked, wonderful poem, which has recently been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. My apologies to the poem and the poet, who gracefully informed me of my error.

As you all know, much of this show is homage to the works of amazing, talented poets whose works often get lost in this fast-paced world of ours. I also like to think of the show as its own poem in a way, so please forgive my mistake and listen in to future shows where perhaps you will hear more of the work of Jonathan Greenhause. And to hear the poem, please visit Programs/Archives, Mountain Mama Black Magic. It is the first poem you hear in the show.

Mtn Mama

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