Let me start off by saying I'm no optimist. Don't let anyone fool you. So far, 2009 has shown little love to the ol'muldozer...
I generally play & enjoy somber, moody music which has only anchored me further into the hole that is January.SO I've decided to 'spin' some more upbeat, rockin' tunes (EDGEY?) for the inaugural '09 Wrong Side of the Tracks . Here ya go:
1. THE FALL- mr. pharmacist
2. IGGY & THE STOOGES- your pretty face is going to hell
3. TH' LOSIN' STREAKS (sacramento)- he's waiting (the sonics)
4. SEBADOH- new worship
5. THE JESUS LIZARD- mistletoe
6. SHELLAC- the admiral
7. THE INTELLIGENCE- moon beeps
8. PETS (sacramento)- be my friend
9. TV ON THE RADIO- bomb yourself
10. FUGAZI- shut the door
11. SUGARBUSH- loafa bread
12. THE HALO BENDERS- planned obsolescence
13. ARCHERS OF LOAF- web in front
14. AGENT RIBBONS (sacramento)- la noche
15. ROMANTIC RETARD-NATION: who do you think of (???)
16. ANDREW BIRD- banking on a myth
17. ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI- rendezvous: portrero hill
This show aired live 1/7/09
Stayed tuned for more downtrodden notes on sobriety, the weather, alarm clocks and chapped lips.
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