That's Life with Don Shor and TREES, pt 1

[Broadcast on 07/20/2023 and 07/27/2023.]



"That's Life with Don Shor and TREES"  will be a multi-part series featuring the inimitable Don Shor.  This is part one of ... Two?, Three?, ...?  As many as it itakes!

Although this is just the first episode, we dive deep into the roots and find out where nature's flow is taking us.  Don tells us lots about trees -- who, what, why, where, when, which, and whatever.

This is a topic which will be visited and re-visited in coming months and years.

What can YOU do to help with Davis' urban tree canopy?  Care properly for your own trees, choose wisely if you are planting a new tree, and volunteer with TREE DAVIS to make our town even better.  

Don's articles can be found at  and Tree Davis info is at .


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