The Recollection Mar 15th, 2011


First of all, there are more than 3,000 deaths in Japan, it's actually over 10,000. In Thailand, it was actually under "quarter of a million" it was some over 100,00. Yes, the numbers of deaths are extremely significant but not as massive as Thailand.

Yes, it is only a 10 point scale. And that is because it is almost impossible to go over 10. If it does happen, the HIGHEST it can go is 10.3. That is extremely unlikely unless all the major faults align and simultaneously moves at the same time causing a 10.3 earthquake on the Richter scale. It is definitely IMPOSSIBLE to be a 13 or 14.
And for you to think that 2012 (the movie) is in ANY way factual is idiotic.

Japan's earthquake was caused by plate tectonics. There are two major subduction zones in Japan. There's a theory that there is another one that runs through Japan, making it 3.

Love the feedback. Again our show is opinionated, so anything we talk about may or may not be exact! And in this case, we see you had your points down to a T. Thanks again for tuning into our show, appreciate the support!

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