Davisville, Oct. 16, 2023: After enduring 50 years of cinematic bafflers, reviewer Derrick Bang calls ’em out

All the baffling cliches you’ve seen in movies — idiot plots, hobbled assailants able to chase down a healthy person trying to escape, bloated tension-killing dialogue — these are all things Derrick Bang has endured over and over during his 49 years of writing movie reviews.

He recently listed several of these cinematic headscratchers in an article for the Davis Enterprise, and on today's Davisville he enjoys going over a few of them with program host Bill Buchanan (the photo shows Derrick on the right, Bill on the left). We also get Derrick’s suggestions for movies for the Halloween season, and his thoughts on the Chinese government’s efforts to punish filmmakers for work it finds offensive, even when the movies in question aren't shown in China. Such pressure could help explain why so many mainstream Hollywood movies are superhero stories, he says. “It’s not just because they’re popular. They’re safe.”

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