Tue, 07/02/2024 - 3:00pm | Ned Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast. 448916815_442937811850832_6215694850913188294_n.jpg Comments Hey Clyde and Ned - Great show guys! I am now old enough to remember when trump referred to playing cards. How things hve changed in the excited states. We Canadians are all routing for sanity to prevail as we are still connected to our neighbour Uncle Sam. At any rate, keep up the good work at Davis Music Connections and know that we are all on your side. Cheers, Kent and Gay, Josh and Rachael, Sabrina and, of course, Noah, our grandchild. Cheers from the not so frozen North. reply Post new comment Your name Subject Comment * More information about text formatsFiltered HTMLPlain text Save Preview Leave this field blank
Hey Clyde and Ned - Great show guys! I am now old enough to remember when trump referred to playing cards. How things hve
changed in the excited states. We Canadians are all routing for sanity to prevail as we are still connected to our neighbour Uncle
Sam. At any rate, keep up the good work at Davis Music Connections and know that we are all on your side.
Cheers, Kent and Gay, Josh and Rachael, Sabrina and, of course, Noah, our grandchild. Cheers from the not so frozen North.
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