Mon, 03/23/2020 - 4:03pm | admin To help us best provide services while we are closed please answer the following questions. 1 Start 2 Complete What is your name? On a scale of one (least) to ten (most interested) how interested would you be in doing a show from home? - None -12345678910 What sort of computer do you have at home? Microsoft Windows Mac OSX Linux Other If other what OS? What sort of tablet do you have at home? Apple Based Microsoft Based Android Based What sort of phone? Apple Android What is your preferred device? Computer Phone Tablet If you had to buy software to create a radio show for KDRT how much would you be willing to pay? less then $20 up to $50 up to $70 Nothing Where is most of your music collection located? Online (YouTube/Amazon/Spotify) iTunes Local Audio App (winamp) CD/Vinyl On what device is most of your digital music located? Computer Phone Tablet How do you think you would record your voice? Built in microphone on the device I'm using External Microphone Microphone on webcam Leave this field blank Submit