Join host Beth Post as she features the unique sounds of Hawaiian music — from early icons of island music to today's innovators — exploring styles, the history of the genre, and revered songs and performers.
Mele O Hawaii Aug 8th, 2012Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:00am | Beth Post |
Hapa-Haole Music Part 2 Aug 2nd, 2012Thu, 08/02/2012 - 10:00am | Beth PostWe pick up our review of hapa-haole music where we left off last week, with the risque tune, "Princess Pupule," sung by Auntie Naughty Abbie. Then we are carried away to the islands by the long-running radio show, "Hawai'i Calls." You can hear the waves rolling right up to the microphone! The show finished out with a number of entertainers that were featured on Hawai'i Calls across the years, including Clara Inter (Hilo Hatiie), Benny Kalama and Alfred Apaka. |
Mele O Hawaii Aug 1st, 2012Wed, 08/01/2012 - 11:00am | Beth Post |
Hapa-Haole Music Part 1 July 26, 2012Thu, 07/26/2012 - 10:00am | Beth PostToday's "class" begins with Sonny Cunha, the father of hapa-haole music, and includes the very first hapa-haole song, played on an original Edison Amberola. We move on to one of the most popular hapa-haole songs (and winner of the 10th Annual Academy Award for Best Song -- do you know what song it is? Listen in to find out!) and share cuts played by the legends of early hapa-haole music, like Tau Moe, Andy Iona, and John K. Almeida. But we've only gotten halfway. Tune in next week for Part 2 (and the rest of "The Princess's" song...) -- Hawai'i will be "Call"ing. |
Mele O Hawaii Jul 25th, 2012Wed, 07/25/2012 - 11:00am | Beth Post |
Watercraft Jul 19th, 2012Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:00am | Beth PostThe first Hawaiians arrived by water craft - huge double-hulled outriggers. Today's Hawaiian culture includes watercraft of all sorts, and this week, we're floating on a raft of songs about some of them: paddleboards, canoes, and steamerships. |
Mele O Hawaii Jul 18th, 2012Wed, 07/18/2012 - 11:00am | Beth Post |
Mele O Hawaii Jul 12th, 2012Thu, 07/12/2012 - 10:00am | Beth Post |
Mele O Hawaii Jul 11th, 2012Wed, 07/11/2012 - 11:00am | Beth Post |
Mele O Hawaii Jul 5th, 2012Thu, 07/05/2012 - 10:00am | Beth Post |
Stacey - so glad you enjoyed the show. I hope you'll keep listening. Here's the playlist for the "Flower" show (Mele o pua). Aloha!
Song Artist Abum
Salomila Hui 'Ohana Young Hawaii Plays Old Hawaii
Lei 'Ohu Cyril Pahinui 6 and 12 String Slack Key
Green Rose Hula Pure Heart Pure Heart
Ku'u Pua Lei Mokihana Gabby Pahinui Gabby Pahinui Hawaiian Band V. 1
Na Pua Lei 'Ilima Makaha Sons of Ni'ihau Unforgettable Hawaiian
Pauoa Ka Liko Ka Lehua Ohana Hawai‛i — Under the Rainbow
Pua `Ahihi Darlene Ahuna Classic Hula
Pua Olena Tia Carrere Hawaiiana
Pua Tubarose Keola & Kapono Beamer Honolulu City Lights
Ku`u Lei Awapuhi Pali With Aloha [Disc 2]
Hanohano Ka Lei Pikake Keali'i Reichel Kamahiwa [Disc 1]
Maile Swing Jeff Peterson Maui on My Mind
Thank you for the playlist from the Mele o pua show you did!!!
You're welcome and thanks for asking. I'll make a point of posting future playlists once I find how to do it on the website rather than in the comments.
Auntie Peka
Auntie Peka
I'm really enjoying everything about your show and look forward to hearing more. Your commentary really pulls it all together--I'll be spreading the word. Thanks!
I appreciate your comments. It warms my heart to know you're enjoying what I enjoy.
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