Tue, 02/12/2019
Artist | Title | Album | Label | Link |
David "Fathead" Newman | Hard Times | Hard times | atlantic | |
johnny Cymbal | Mr. Bassman | johnny Cymbal | Johnny Cymbal | |
the chips | rubber biscuit | Doo Wop Box II | the chips | |
Sherrif and the Raveks | Shombalar | sherrif and the Ravels | Sherrif and the revels | |
The cleftones | You Baby You | Doo Wop Box II | the cleftones | |
the crystals | Da Doo Ron Ron | the phil spector collection | the crystals | |
the cufflinks | Guided Missles | Doo Wop Box II | the cufflinks | |
chuck berry | school days | chuck berry | chuck berry | |
chuck berry | now youve changed | chuck berry | chuck berry | |
chuck berry | Mwmphia | chuck berry | chuck berry | |
chuck berry | Nadine | chuck berry | chuck berry | |
the staple singers | won't you sit down | Out of one music, many | staple singers | |
The harmonizing four | Mary don't you weep | the harmonizing four | the harmonizing four | |
Alan Sherman | Sarah Jackman | Alan Sherman | Alan Sherman | |
Alan Sherman | Harvey and Sheila | Alan Sherman | Alan Sherman | |
Alan Sherman | Al n' yetta | Alan Sherman | Alan Sherman | |
Calipso Limon | lobsterband | Costa Rica la musica de nuesra nacion | Calipso Limon | |
Country Joe and the fish | Janis | I feel like I'm fixin' to die | County Joe | |
Johnny hodges | jeep's blues | Johnny Hodges and his orchestra | johnny hodges |