<img width="0" vspace="2" hspace="2" height="0" align="left" data-cke-saved-src="<a href="/%20src%3D"<a href="/%20http%3A%3D"" www.flickr.com="" photos="" 77279091@n06="" 7366583814="" "="" title="Paquiao Bradley by Dawgy27, on Flickr"> "That's right! We know what you're thinking, the fight was fixed!" Today's episode of The Recollection covers all the latest stories, including Manny Pacquiao's landslide victory over Timothy Bradley; Big 3 vs Big 3 between the Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder; the top 16 countries in Europe clash in the Euro 2012 Cup; Raphael Nadal continues to roll; and will Tiger Woods win his 15th major at the U.S. Open? Open mic radio with Jed and me, on this week's episode of The Recollection.
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