On The Recollection, anything is fair game for discussion. This week we reach out to our community and find out their opinions of jealousy. After informing everyone about our radio show, we received in-depth opinions that we had to share with our listeners. But as you know, we don't just gossip about one thing. NBA Playoff shocking wins, multi-millionaire mogul Sean Combs--too wealthy for his son to receive an athletic scholarship--Tiger Woods steamrolling at the Memorial, and beautiful sounds from DJ Salt & Pepper throughout, all in this week's episode of The Recollection!
I have a topic I'd love for you to cover and I'm sure Many women out there wouldn't mind finding out the answer to this as well!
This is my #1 pet peeve. I think it's really disrespectful and uncalled for especially if you're out with your woman and she catches you staring at another woman. Yes we all understand there's other attractive women in this world but in our eyes, we should be " the only girl in your world" that deserves your attention. This has been a huge issue for me in my current relationship. I've tried to work with myself in just ignoring it or brushing it off BUT weeks go by and for some reason it still bothers me deep down inside. It's a mood killer for sure and it definitely sucks when we're out trying to have a good time.
As far as the jealous issue. It is healthy for a little bit of jealousy in a relationship, yes but if it's to the point where your mood is affected by it.....we have an issue. Jealousy shouldn't kill a relationship. There are too many different reasons to name why some people are more jealous than others but I feel that as long as you and your partner are open and understanding about your reason then you both should respect that and it should all work out in the end ;)
Jealousy is not healthy. It's time to grow up. Learn to be humble and grateful.
Your boyfriend is looking at someone else who is also beautiful, but chooses to remain with you. Consider yourself lucky and return the favor.
You are unique. So is the other beauiful woman. And that other one, too. Comparing yoruself to other people in order to quantify your own worth and value only trivializes your self-worth. How much do you really love yourself if your opinion of yourself fluctuates with what others think of you, or how you match up to others?
Alternatively, you could dump him in exchagne for a boyfriend with an ego to rival your own. (Kids, don't try this at home.)
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