Davis Bike Loop around Davis 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Donations accepted to defray costs
This family-oriented bike ride showcases the Davis Bike Loop’s proximity to schools. The event features eleven stations located on the bike loop between 0.5 and 1.75 miles apart. Families can check in at any of the stations to obtain a passport. With passport in hand, families can ride however far along the loop they want, stopping at the stations to get the passport stamped and to participate in whatever activity is available at that station. Small prizes will be given for kids that have at least three passport stamps and the highly-valued certificate of completion will be given to each child who completes the full 12-mile circle. More information: http://www.davisbicycles.org/wordpress/bike-loopalooza
Please e-mail Patricia Price at: trish@notsonoblepath.com to volunteer. For more information, please visit: www.davisbicycles.org.