Political opinions: Democrat vs. Republican

On this week's episode of The Recollection, I was able to sit down a Democrat and a Republican [img_assist|nid=8823|title=Republican and Democrat|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67] and have heated discussions about flat taxes, small vs. big governments, unions, and health care. Many have asked to hear a political debate between the parties. These are merely opinions from both individuals, so have your popcorn ready when you click "download"......


Kevin loved hearing your voice !!!!! mom :) sorry
Ted its your most powerful,honorable way to leave a legacy for your children...Is To VOTE....
I pray today that all people ...not only ,use your right to vote BUT care enough for America ...for your state, city,communities...your family, God Bless America

Lets all care enough to learn.ask questions,google,educate ourselves on the truth of who and what those we vote for stand for...can we get values and respect back in America for each other, Do your kids respect the flag like we did,do they know our nation , was founed on Christian values!!!

Hello,First off great show, Im in the U.P. of Michigan...Ok POI on the Union thing,Ford did NOT take any gov.bail out money..And There is more of Nissin and Toyota made in America then the big three,The Democrat should have checked,Most of his GM is made out of the country...and most of all bailout money went to the CEO,s that ran the companty in the ground in the first place,NOT in the companty...or the banks..OK on the rest check what Hitler done !! to Austria in WW2 the country was in the same shape as we are now,and they voted him in power,then he took over the schools and health care,what happened is he brain washed the kids,killed the handicaped,yes killed..and all the good doctors left the country,for better pay..and then he had everyone reg. there guns,(for there own good) and when he got that done,he had them turn them in,or go to prison..And thats where we are today..Great job Kevin..I think you should Have Kevin on again...Have a great day.....Jim

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