Cowboy Tracks playlist for 05/31/2019

Fri, 05/31/2019
Artist Title Album Label Link
The Cowboy Way I Make My Livin' in the Saddle Go West Cowboy Way Music
Mark Munzert Heart and Mind Day Workin' Mark Munzert
Carolyn Martin Yodeling in My Sleep Wile West Texas Wind Carolyn Martin, Java Jive Records
Clint Bradley Soul of the West Soul of the West Clint Bradley
Leelee Robert Blue Bonnet Breeze Swing Set LeeLee Music
Greg Hager Drover State of Mind Greg Hager
Judy James Manhattan Beautiful Texas Judy James
Andy Hedges The Medicine Show Masters Cowboy Poetry, Vol. 3 The Center for Western and Cowboy Poetry
God Must Be a Cowboy Allen & Jill Kirkham Cowboy Classics Allen & Jill Kirkham
Rusted Spurs West Sugar Moon Ridin' Ropin' & Rounders Rusted Spurs West
Donnie Poindexter We Were Cowboys Those Cowboys of Old Double Don Studio
Bernadetta Ducharme I Have Seen the Wind Melancholy Trail Bernadette Ducharme
Miss Devon & the Outlaw Great Basin Waltz Plains Trains and AlsoBobWills Miss Devon & the Outlaw
Tom Swearingen Someday Language of the Land Hoof Pick Records
Andy Hedges Oregon Shadow of a Cowboy Andy Hedges
Olivia Morgayne Quiereme Mucho Friends Become Family Yesyes Records
The Groove Hogs Happy Trails The Groove Hogs Independent