Freeform conversations with local bands, artists, promoters, and others who actively shape local culture--this show tilts in the direction if indie and punk music because that’s where DJ Justin Cox interacts the most, but it’ll reach far beyond that, as well. These conversations should be accessible and interesting even if you don’t know the guest.
Justin Cox is a local musician (The Polyorchids) and multimedia communicator (UC Davis One Heatlh Institute) who has also hosted Album of the Week and One Health and Wildlife Talk on KDRT. He lives in Winters, California, with his wife and two young kids.
This half-hour show airs live from 5-5:30 on Tuesday evenings, and archived shows can be found below. To become a guest, email justincox22 at gmail dot com.

Smashed and Rehashed for 5:00pm on Jan 16th, 2018Tue, 01/16/2018 - 5:35pm | Justin Cox |
Joey Sanders of Moody Slough on writing and recording - Ep 7Tue, 01/09/2018 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxI spoke to Joey about Moody Slough's debut EP, Material Eyes, which will be available at his release show at The Palms in Winters on Friday January 12. We talked about his earliest forays into songwriting, his various bands throughout the years, and plenty more. A bit more about Moody Slough from the band’s Bandcamp page: "Moody Slough started as just a couple of personal songs written on the back burner with no further intentions, but as the years went on it slowly grew into something that warranted a name. There is something to be said about music communicating with the subjective making people feel a little less alone. Music has always been there to make me feel good. Moody Slough strives to return the favor." Moody Slough’s EP release show with The Polyorchids is at The Palms in Winters on January 12 at 8pm. |
Tony Clark (Polyorchids) on Songwriting - Ep 6 - Smashed and RehashedTue, 11/21/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin Cox
I talked to my firend and bandmember Tony Clark about songwriting -- something we talk about constantly anyways. This is a very loose chat about how and why we write music and lyrics, and how that's changed over time. The first few minutes of this episode are a bit bunk, and I left the volume too low on Tony's song. You won't miss much if you skip ahead five or six minutes. |
Sam Hawk of Evertree, Finding Fable and more - Ep. 5Tue, 10/17/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxSam Hawk plays 12-string guitar, sings, writes songs and DJ's a show called Independent and Local on this station. He's also a gifted sound engineer, both for live shows and open mics a well as multi-track studio recording. He lives in Winters, where I live, so we bump into each other often. He's a great dude and I enjoyed our meandering conversation. |
Pieter Pastoor of Listening Lyrics - Smashed and Rehashed Ep. 4Tue, 09/26/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxPieter Pastoor hosts Listening Lyrics on KDRT on Fridays at 5pm. He's the man. |
Drew Walker of Red Museum and DoofyDoo Ep. 3Tue, 08/22/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxThe Red Museum is a DIY warehouse artist space and host of live music events in Midtown Sacramento. The space has been hosting shows on the semi-downlow for a couple of years, but will soon enter a somewhat more public phase of its life. The space gained a steady following since it got going and eventually caught the attention of the City of Sacramento. In the wake of the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland, which killed 36 people and prompted many cities to sweep through and shut down all such artist spaces, that could have meant the end of the space. The Red Museum had to relocate Sac LadyFest just a few days before the event, but the city worked with them to help bring the place up to code. I talked to Drew Walker, who also composes and performs as DoofyDoo, about the place and its grand re-opening this Saturday August 26. Everything you need to know about that event, which is called Red Ex Vol. 1, is on Red Museum's IndieGoGo page. |
David Lindsay of The OMulligans and Freature - Smashed and Rehashed Ep 2Tue, 08/08/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxDavid Lindsay sings and plays for Sacramento pop punk band The O'Mulligans, who've been together off and on since 2003 and who put their first full-length album, titled "meh," earlier this year. The O'Mulligans are opening for The Ataris and The Queers at the Blue Lamp on Thursday, August 10th. Lindsay also plays drums in a far newer band called Freature, who will play their first show this month. Note: The interview starts about 40 seconds in.
Idegad Mendoza and Josiah Masteller-Defiance of Wayne Jetski and The Stream - Smashed and RehashedTue, 07/25/2017 - 5:35pm | Justin CoxSmashed and Rehashed, July 25, 2017 - Idegad and Josiah play in the Sacramento/Woodland band Wayne Jetski and host a live streaming music show called 'The Stream: Weekly Live Streaming Mobline Venue,' in which they go to different artists' homes and practice spaces every Monday at 7pm to live stream performances on various social feeds. We talked about all that and more in this debut episode of Smashed and Rehashed*, along with some talk about house shows, Creepy Little Legs and how to make a quality breakfast enchilada. Follow Wayne Jetski: Follow The Stream: *Name courtesy of the almighty Pisscat. ABOUT |
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