Wake Me Up When October Ends

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.


Monkey in Tree (like in the physics problem)

September came and went so here we are talking about monkeys. Specifically monkeys falling from very tall trees. Monkeys that you want to shoot because this is how you make your living. If you didn't catch that: on this show there's some talk about phsyics (and monkeys). Rocket also talks about the current series of Acme play readings and the most recent one, Orlando. This play reading and the upcoming reading, Pronoun, both tackle gender issues which is why the DHS Genders and Sexualities Alliance is co-sponsoring them. On that note, the DHS GSA has its first meeting this Friday in room L-20! As far as DHS goes, Rocket also discusses the Brunelle Theatre's usher program which is open to students if you want extra credit or just to participate in a cool program and see some shows. This show features some pristine jokes (we get past #100 out of 1001 so that's progress). The first song on the show is "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day, then "The Suspend" by Stick to Your Guns from their new EP Better Ash Than Dust, and the show concludes with "Homecoming" by Taking Back Sunday from their new album Tidal Wave because DHS homecoming was last weekend and we lost our football game to Jesuit. Rip.