Beginning and Continuation Bones for Life® Classes Set
Ready for an alternative to trying to “make yourself stand up straighter”? The Bones for
Life: Fundamentals Part 1 class can help. Certified Bones for Life teacher, Marg Bartosek, will
teach the class on Wednesday, September 25 and Friday, September 27 from 2:15 to 3:45 pm. at
the Davis Senior Center. The cost is $27 for residents, and the registration deadline is Friday,
September 20.
Bones for Life® uses dynamic and rhythmic movement patterns that involve pushing
hands and feet into the wall or floor, and using a strip of cloth as a wrap to assist alignment and
ensure safety. Through gentle movement explorations, students learn to sense and adjust their
skeletal alignment to find upright posture, improve balance and coordination, and experience a
natural springy walk. Other weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or weight training, will
then be more enjoyable and beneficial.
Part 2 of the Fundamentals class will be offered in February 2014 – watch for upcoming
details. Upon completion of both sessions, students may continue with topic-focused
Continuation Classes. The Continuation Class, also taught by Marg Bartosek, will focus on
alignment and movement of the neck and lower back in coordination with the pelvis. The
Continuation Class will be offered on Wednesday, September 25, and Friday September 27, from
12:30 to 2:00 pm. The cost is also $27 for residents.
To register for the class, please visit the Davis Senior Center, 646 A Street, or register
online For more information call (530) 757-5696.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 2:15pm