June 2013 Book Sale at the Library!


June 2013 Book Sale at the Library!


            The Friends of the Davis Public Library will have its next bi-monthly book sale starting on Friday, June 7, 2013.

This sale will start on Friday June 7th from 12:00 Noon to 2PM for members only.  As always, shoppers may join at the door. The sale will be open to members and non-members alike from Friday, June 7th through Sunday, June 9th. On Sunday bring your own bag for $5 per bag. Better books will be half price on Sunday!

        Hours will be Friday, June 7 from Noon-2PM for members-only, on Friday, June 7, from 2PM-7PM, on Saturday June 8 from 10 AM till 5 PM; and 10 AM to 3 PM on Sunday, June 9th. The sale will be held at the Davis Public library located at 315 East 14th St in Davis, California.

There is now access to a credit card device to help those interested in purchasing books with a credit card. Thus, we take all credit/debit cards now.

There are some special magazines on architecture and astronomy available.

There is a “vintage” cart located by the front entrance which will display the best of an older generation of books.

 Books about parenting, child rearing, and children’s education will be found in the smaller side room along with children’s books. The children’s books are now separated into picture books for toddlers, reading books for grade school kids and books of interest to teenagers.

        All hardback books and trade paperbacks will be $2; pocket paperbacks will be $1; children’s books will range from 25 cents to $2; and CD’s, DVD’s and tapes will be $1.   On Sunday, full bags of books will be only $5 and “better books” are half price. All sales provide funds to help make our library even better with new books and services!

     Membership applications for the Friends of the Davis Public Library will be available at the door or at the website http://davislibraryfriends.org/.  Membership includes bi-monthly postcards reminders of the book sales.

These cards can be turned in at each book sale for $4 off your book purchases.

     For more information contact Peggy Schwab at (530)-756-1482.


Friday, June 7, 2013 - 12:00pm