Winter Birds in Davis

 Lois Richter — an Arboretum docent, Audubon volunteer, and K-dirt host — will be giving two presentations on "WINTER BIRDS IN DAVIS" in February.  This slide show and talk will help you identify both year-round residents and our winter visitors.
        On Saturday, February first, Lois will be at UCD for an Arboretum event to be held in Room 146 Environmental Horticulture.  (There's a map at the Arboretum website if you need directions; that's ARBORETUM.UCDAVIS.EDU )  This10:30 am program will be followed at noon by an optional bird walk thru nearby campus habitat.
        Lois will do her presentation a second time at the Davis Senior Center on Tuesday, February eleventh, at 10 am.
        Everyone is welcome to either of these free open events.  So if you want to add an outdoor component, come on Saturday the first; if you just want to be an indoor birder, come on Tuesday the eleventh.  For more info, write to  LOIS-at-DCN.ORG.

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 10:30am