The move toward single-payer legislation to provide universal, affordable, quality health care for all Californians continues and is growing in strength. The California Universal Health Care Act (SB 810) will be reintroduced in 2013.
Join Health Care for All - Sacramento Valley and Yolo and the Campaign for a Healthy California at a workshop designed to increase your skills in advocating for a single-payer system in CA as the Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) is being implemented.
talking’ health care . . .
what do we want;
what do we have;
what is missing;
what now?
· the Federal Affordable Care Act and setting up health exchanges in California
· the road to universal high quality health care for everyone: the California Universal Health Care Act - a single-payer system
· coalition building
Saturday, September 8, 2012
446 T St. (Common House), Sacramento
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
$15 donation includes lunch
John McCoy, Workshop Coordinator
Carolyn Negrete, Health Care for All - Sacramento
Dan Braunstein, Health Care for All - Yolo
Cindy Young, Campaign for a Healthy California
More information: Millie Braunstein 530-747-0380