The City of Davis Social Services Commission will be hosting a forum specific to the future of affordable housing requirements in Davis as part of their meeting on Monday, February 25th. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm in the Valente Room of the Davis Senior Center (646 A Street).
With the statewide dissolution of Redevelopment, funding sources previously earmarked specifically for local affordable housing initiatives no longer exist. Other State and Federal funding sources are not as prevalent as in the past. Recognizing the lack of funding, the City Council is seeking alternative mechanisms to ensure the community is able to provide continued opportunities for housing options for those in need of more affordable options than the market currently provides.
City staff has developed a series of draft recommendations to share with the Social Services Commission. The Commission, in turn, is inviting other affordable housing stakeholders to the forum to weigh in on the proposed recommendations.
A summary of the main recommendations includes the following: Focus on rental housing for very-low income households. Require developers to provide different amounts of affordable housing, depending on the
type of development they want to build. Provide a credit for Accessory Dwelling Units, sometimes known as “granny flats,” of 50%
to count toward the above affordable housing requirement. Offer the ability for any project to pay fees in-lieu of providing affordable housing, proposed
to be in the range of $50,000.
A full report on the initial draft recommendations can be found in the February 5, 2013 City Council Staff Report at 05-2013 (Item 07). For More Information Contact 530-757-5656
Monday, February 25, 2013 - 7:00pm