The Linux Users' Group of Davis (LUGOD) will be holding the following meeting:
May 20, 2013
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Smart Static Sites with Hakyll
by Eric Rasmussen
An overview of modern static site generators with a focus on Hakyll
(, a Haskell-based DSL (domain-specific language)
for generating static websites and blogs (no Haskell knowledge required).
This talk will look at a new trend in truly open source blogging,
different markdown formats, responsive design for mobile/tablet,
compiling/compressing static assets, and deploying with rsync.
About the speaker:
Eric is a software developer for and is active in the
python and haskell open source communities.
This meeting will be held at a special location:
Davis Public Library
Blanchard meeting room
315 East 14th Street
Davis, California 95616
For more details on this meeting, visit:
or simply: (and follow the links)
For maps, directions, public transportation schedules, etc., visit: