The Linux Users' Group of Davis (LUGOD) will be holding the following meeting:
October 21, 2013
7:00pm - 9:00pm
"Printrbot Simple" 3D printer
with Tim Feldman, of Davis Makerspace
We will demonstrate a "Printrbot Simple" 3D printer
(, successfully assembled by
a group of novices from a $300.00 kit made by a local company.
We will also explain and demonstrate the process of using Linux software
for 3D printing, including getting designs for 3D-printable objects,
either by downloading free designs from the Web, or by designing them
ourselves using free Linux software such as OpenSCAD; and it includes
actually controlling the 3D printer using more Linux software such as
Slic3r and Pronterface.
We will also briefly talk about Davis Makerspace
(, a free local resource for all kinds of
creative people . Our space has 3D printers and other tools used by makers;
and most importantly, it has knowledgeable people who love sharing their
expertise and enthusiasm about all things geeky, including Linux.
This meeting will be held at:
Davis Public Library
Blanchard meeting room
315 East 14th Street
Davis, California 95616
For more details on this meeting, visit: