On Saturday, October 19th I am welcoming Margaret Miles,
http://www.margaretmiles.net/index.html. Margaret will be performing at
7:30pm. I am asking a $15.00 donation with all proceeds going to Margaret.
Margaret Miles has been singing all her life, and performs a growing
repertoire of original songs as well as Celtic and American folk music.
Accompanied by autoharp, bodrhan (Irish drum) and pennywhistle, she also
occasionally sings a capella. Her clear soprano voice is extraordinary in
its quality and in the evocativeness she lends to the ballads she presents.
She has performed in numerous groups, including the duo “Miles & Miles” and
the women’s quintet “Kitchen Cinq” in Sacramento, the Celtic trio “Whiskey
Dents,” and the folk-rock band “Jeez Louise” in Plumas County. More
recently she has been focusing on solo performance of her original songs.
Inspiring and often humorous, her songs mirror the American
singer-songwriter tradition. Several friends will be making guest
appearances, including Ray Frank and members of the Kitchen Cinq.
For information and reservations call (530) 753-3472 or email