Station Archive

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Live Tracks September 8th, 2016

  I went to the station before this show feeling that humans are tolerated in our world as long as they can pay.  And pay.  And pay.  We seem to live in a world where each of us is a portable ATM machine dispensing lubricant for...whom, or what; big money and big banks?  A bleak view, that fortunately does not stay with me, consciously, for any extended duration.  It does, however, have its place in the que of things I ruminate on.

  So, as a result, this show is part aggressive, and part soothing.  Lots of local bands share the spotlight with some darn good tunes from beyond the causeway.  Grab that cool recreational beverage of choice and join me.

Chambers Street Theatre for 11:00am on Sep 8th, 2016

Before O. Henry went to New York and wrote all the charming tales of the City with a surprise ending, he spent three years in Texas as a cowman, and before that was raised in Norh Carolina.  What?  O. Henry wasn't born in New York?  No, he wasn't.  And his first book of stories are Texas stories: "Heart of the West."  "A Call Loan" is a tale of long time friends having to face a missing $10,000.  It's good O. Henry and the language is true to the time and place, because Mr. Porter was of the Texas time and place.  And that's a time and place long gone.

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