May 2017 interview schedule ...


Continuing my "That's Life" program with interviews, here's the schedule for May.  (I'll add to this list as more people are scheduled.)

5/4: Chris DeWees on "Fishprinting -- Gyotaku" describes the process of this ancient art form and the book he is publishing about it

5/11: Meet me on the Quad!!   [No on-air interview this week because I'll be helping set up for the Whole Earth Festival (F 12-10, Sa 10-10, Su 10-6). Help welcome!]

5/18: "WIOA in Yolo County" about helping people find work locally = Elaine Lytle and Kim Neillsen

5/25: Mikki Grey Rutamu on "H.H. Humphrey Fellowship Program" which brings foreign scholars to UCD. Three  current Fellows also chat with us.

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