Foamy fun raises $900 for KDRT

Getting ready for the autumn (my favorite season, natch), I'm reflecting on a sunny smile from a sunny summer moment. Here's George Moore, KDRT programmer and volunteer extraordinaire, at the July 4th beer concession in Community Park. George spearheaded the effort to organize our volunteer booth there, and shepherded us through the permits and process. A big KDRT thanks to you, George! And a shout out to Rod Moseanko and his friends and family, who all helped out, as well as Lois Richter for the decorations and setup, and all the other KDRT and DMA volunteers who spend the day helping serve up foam & suds. [asset|aid=3|format=image|formatter=asset|title=George Moore|width=640|height=480|resizable=true|align=center]

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