Dr. Pauls Classical Music Nov 8th, 2011 Two Prominent 20th Century Pianists

Today's show features the talent of two pianists, Jose Iturbi, on the right, and Daniel Barenboim, each special and successful in their own, very different, ways. Also on the show is an overture to an opera by Donizetti, an aria by Bellini, and some guitar music played by the Australian, nee British guitarist, John Williams, as well as the usual commentary by Dr. Paul about the lives, times, and music of the featured composers and artists, and other selections (see playlist...or listen!). Jose Iturbi was a pianist born in Valencia, Spain, of Basque descent in November of 1895, and died in Beverly Hills in 1980. He became a Hollywood star, playing himself in movies, and contributing his pianism to the soundtracks of many Hollywood movies. Because of this connection to the movies, his talent was often disregarded by the opinion makers of Classical music. However, Dr. Paul heard him live at the Opera House in S.F. in the 1970's, and can attest to his considerable talents at the keyboard. Daniel Barenboim was born in Buenas Aries, Argentina in November of 1942. He is still alive, well, and, among other posts, currently is the music director of the Berlin State Opera. He has a tremendous discography in which he has recorded a wide repetoire with a variety of talented artists, and has been embraced in every way by the Classical musical establishment. He has won numerous awards, conducts symphony orchestras as guest conductor all over the world, and currently resides in Israel. Dr. Paul first came to love the Beethoven Pathetique Sonata as recorded by Barenboim, and considers himself a fan. More selections to be heard on future shows.


Hi Paul, Thanks for the shout out and the, as you said, impossibly beautiful music. Really was. Cheers, Autumn

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