Davisville, Aug. 21, 2023: Editor loves the Aggie, wants students to love it too as she changes it

Sonora Slater is the 2023-24 editor of the California Aggie, whose days as a printed newspaper for students at UC Davis are largely over. It prints 4,000 copies each Thursday during the academic year, and Slater says a lot end up in recycling bins, not in the hands of students. The Aggie has a larger presence online, but many of UC Davis’ 40,000 students don’t seem to know it exists.

Slater intends to change that. She wants to draw students back in, through new products — such as a 15-20 minute podcast twice a week, timed to fit students’ bike commutes — and a larger focus on stories that interest students, not only the journalists. Plus use of Instagram takeovers, use of social media for updating news, new events with student groups, maybe a caption contest ... she has a list. We talk about all this today on Davisville.

The photo shows Slater atop the Hutchison parking garage at UC Davis, a scene recreated on her tote bag.

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