Davis Garden Show, June 10, 2021 -- Herbaceous Fall Flowers


20 herbaceous fall-blooming plants

Cool week ahead!  But we still have watering challenges. A few questions (about new plantings and fungus gnats) lead to several important discussions about:

  • Proper planting techniques (why planting trees ONLY with native soil is so important);
  • How roots grow (and get damaged), and how that shows up in a full-grown tree;
  • Home remedies (which have no research done on them and are NOT labelled for pesticide or herbicide use).

A large portion of the show is a discussion of each of Don Shor's 20 Favorite Summer Herbaceous Perennials. An "herbaceous perennial" is a plant that blooms every year but dies down every winter (different from a shrub, bush, or tree). These twenty bloom from the late summer into the fall.  (We only got part way thru before running out of time, so listen to the 24 June show for the rest of the story.)

Don Shor and Lois Richter are your hosts each week on the Davis Garden Show. To submit a question, email them to DavisGardenShow@gmail.com

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