Bamboozled Oct 12th, 2011


I agree with the 3rd party system. Why is it so difficult to get one going? I also agree that it is a struggle vs warfair that we are facing right now. History is repeating itself and it seems that no one wants to pay attention to that. Corporatoins pouncing on congress to get their agendas passed to keep what they have (all the money), government using minorities to get the votes they want. It all is for power and control. It seems like no one is standing against it. And if you do they make you look like you do not know what you are talking about. They dig up dirt from their past and blast you for it, no matter how minor it may be. I would like to see people say how and what things should be run and show the history of why it will or will not work. Can someone put it in laymans terms so that the lower class population can understand it, instead of them just voting according to race or family choice without knowing all the facts? Good radio show, we need a format like this to listen too.

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