Jess Goddèsse's blog

Album of the Week - Stone Fox - Mar 16 at 5P


Stone Fox cover art

AotW this week is Stone Fox's first album, self-titled and released on Rockstar Records in 1996. Stone Fox was one of San Francisco's best 90s bands, bringing amazing energy to their recordings and much, much more to their live shows. Tune in 5-6p PT, March 16, to hear Jorjee, Yvette, Kim, Janis, and Brett rock off their (and your) socks -- or ripped nylons, as the case may be.

Divine Intervention Strikes - Lucky Mar 13


Lyrix cover art

It's lucky Monday March 13th -- yes, of course that's a thing -- and we'll be celebrating with new music and more -- including this likely terrible Vinyl Vespers feature -- starting at 7p PT sharp. Even luckier, it'll feel like it's 6p because of the weekend's ridiculous clock change, so there you go. Tune in tonight for Divine Intervention -- rock, pop, miscellanea, etcetera -- on your favorite little radio station, KDRT 95.7 FM DAVIS.

Divine Intervention Strikes - Mar 6


Bluegrass Brethren cover art

You can see from our Vinyl Vespers' selection that it's going to be an oh-so-happy time for this edition of Divine Intervention. We're cheating a little -- today's pick is actually so obscure, we can't find a picture of the cover. If only there were technology to create such an image... In any event, oh won't you please tune in for roots, rock, pop, punk... new music and more... 7-9p PT, on KDRT? Thank you kindly! 

Divine Intervention Strikes - Feb 20


Joy Is Like the Rain cover

We'll be a little less scattered for this edition of Divine Intervention as our hearts and minds focus on sending positive musical energy to our sistren and brethren in Sweden. And, yes, Vinyl Vespers is packed and on it's way to the studio--a joy-y, rain-ful pick for a rainy, rainy, RAINy day. Do tune in, 7-9p PT, only on KDRT.

Album of the Week - NEW Ty Segall - TH Feb 02


Ty Segall cover art

This week we'll hear the brand spankin' new self-titled release from California's own Ty Segall. Musically brilliant, prolific, and busy, Segall works solo as well as with the fine bands Fuzz, Broken Bat, and GØGGS, and he's a former member of Sic Alps and others. At live performances nowadays, you'll find him backed by the Freedom Band, which comprises  Mikal Cronin on bass, Charles Moothart on drums, Emmett Kelly on guitar, and Ben Boye on piano. Tune in Thursday, February 2, 5-6 p.m. PT. Jess Goddesse hosts. 

Divine Intervention Strikes - Jan 23


Jimmy Davis cover art

Divine Intervention is about to strike the KDRT airwaves. This week, we'll dive again into the January 2017 releases...we'll rock a little, dance a little, love a little, laugh a little... Well, maybe we'll laugh (or cry) a lot over this week's "Vinyl Vespers" feature. Or, then again, maybe it's an amazing and rare find that we can enjoy together, acknowledging that we can't always judge a record by its cover. 

Divine Intervention Strikes - Jan 16


Bobby Rydell image

Look at us, all prepared and ready to air with 90 minutes to spare! That's right, coming up at 7p sharp, Pacific time, it's a well-organized if not well-planned edition of Divine Intervention. We have some brand-new rock, pop, and more -- 2017 releases, no less -- along with some funk and some junk, and of course our "Vinyl Vespers" feature of the evening, pictured here, filed under the category of "Here's someone who didn't die in 2016!"...and ain't he just dreamy. :>

Divine Intervention Struck - Jan 9


Up with People! cover art

Yes, it happend, it was week there'll be another one. If you missed this week's edition of Divine Intervention, the replay and playlist are available here. And, yes, our "Vinyl Vespers" feature really was Up with People!, featuring some inspiring cover-art testimonials from no less than the likes of John Wayne, Pat Boone, and Walt Disney. You're welcome. :>

Divine Intervention Struck - M 12/12


Davis Flagg cover art

Well, SOMEone was a little slow on the draw this week, didn't get a blog post up in time to announce this week's installment of Divine Intervention. But that's OK, because the Internet is like a freaking TIME MACHINE. That's right, through the miracle of modern technology, you can still here this week's DI as a podcast here. Why should you do that? Well, just look at this week's Vinyl Vespers feature. Right? Right!