Cowboy Tracks

Join Nancy around the campfire to hear authentic Western roots music and cowboy poetry. Something deep in your soul will resonate to stories from the early wranglers, Mexican vaqueros, Old West adventurers, Silver Screen buckaroos, Western Swing bands, contemporary real cowboys, and all who appreciate wide open spaces, freedom, and the western lifestyle.


Replays Tuesday 10-11pm
Live Wednesday 1-2pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Cowboy Tracks for 1:00pm on Jun 21st, 2019

“Wagons Ho.”  Most of  the pioneers that settled the west traveled by wagon. The wagon trains of Conestogas and Prairie Schooners must have been a sight to see as their white canvas tops rolled across the prairies. Today’s show is an homage to these pioneer wagons that played such an important role in American western history.

Cowboy Tracks for 1:00pm on Jun 14th, 2019

“Potluck.”  This episode is called “Potluck” because we are a community gathering to share and enjoy a table full of delicious western music and poetry. There’s lots of variety in the offerings; enough so that everyone should be able to find plenty to enjoy. I hope this episode leaves you feeling satisfied after this great feast among friends!

Cowboy Tracks for 1:00pm on May 31st, 2019

“Spring Fresh.” As the flowers show their spring bloom, our program  today features the newest, freshest western songs and poems. Do you like the Cowboy Way? Judy James? Hear their latest offerings as well as Carolyn Martin, Mark  Munzert, Rusted Spurs West and much more. Please enjoy this spring fresh assortment of western offerings.

Cowboy Tracks for 1:00pm on May 10th, 2019

“Dick Baxter’s Memories of Dale Evans.”  Dick Baxter was Dale Evans' personal manager for 26 years. I had a delightful interview with Dick about his experiences with Dale. Tune in to hear the interview and to hear songs by and about Dale Evans, the  “Queen of the West.”

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Hi Nancy,
I enjoyed visiting with you today on "Cowboy Tracks"
I wanted to set the record straight. During your show, I made a comment about recently deceased, Doris Day. In fact, Doris Day starred in "Calamity Jane" not "Annie Oakley"
Sorry, my mistake... Really love your show... Keep keepin' on with the great tracks!
Oh, BTW... John Fremont's guide and messenger was Kit Carson.

worldwide spring fundraising drive 2019
think globally - act locally
Thank you for your support

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/17/2019 - 11:15pm

I am really excited about your interview with Dale's former long time manager (Dick Baxter).  Can't wait to hear his stories of the good ole days with Roy and Dale!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/10/2019 - 11:11am

Right now I'm listening to your Western Swing show and it's too wonderful, it's beyond super. It's even really swell. Thank you for this Swing salute. More Swing and more...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/25/2018 - 9:53pm

Wow, thank you! This was the first time I've done an all-western swing show. Now, I'm encouraged to do more!

Submitted by Nancy Flagg on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 8:27am

Listened to this varied Cowboy time last Friday. There was Cowboy poetry, music, definitions of terms...yes, so much time has pasted we need to know what used to be common words that relate to Cowboy and The West. Tune in for a good time.

Submitted by Ruth Chambers on Sun, 05/28/2017 - 9:22pm

Thanks for listening and for your positive comments!

Submitted by Nancy Flagg on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 5:05pm

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