The News Cycle

The Davis Senior High School's Blue Devil Hub produce this weekly show for the Davis community. The show dives into issues relevant to students and residents. In addition to KDRT, you can find the show at It is broadcast on 95.7 KDRT at 8 AM on Mondays and noon on Tuesdays.

Replays Monday 5-5:15pm, Tuesday 8-8:15am
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

March Madness Sparks Sports Betting

The News Cycle focuses on March Madness and the gambling that comes with it.  We interview reporter Robert Linnehan from the publication Sports Betting Dime, and Diane Goode, the Executive Director of the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling.  Lewis Williams gives us opinion on the legality of sports betting in a editorial, and Jordan Kims gives us background information about March Madness. Hosted by Noah Meyer. Produced by Noah Meyer. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Jordan Kim and Lewis Williams.

Discrepancies in Curriculum Approaches

Today, the News Cycle focuses on teaching disparities in the Davis Joint Unified School District, Gwynn Canfield has the story. Later in the episode, we sat down with Davis High’s Principal Bryce Geigle to learn about the district's approach to classrooms with different learning methods. Kristen Kay then comments on how grade inflation has affected students for the worse.


The Science of Sleep

The News Cycle focuses on the importance of sleep. We talk to Dr. Temitayo Oyegbile-Chidi, a sleep neurologist at UC Davis, to talk about the links between sleep and less stress. Additionally, Lauren Cornell proposes putting a coffee bar in Davis High, and Suhela Lamba reviews the tardy policy at DHS. Hosted by Noah Meyer. Produced by Camile Reyes Rojas. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Lauren Cornell and Suhela Lamba. Graphic created by Christopher Kim.

Know Your Rights

Today, the News Cycle looks at what rights minors have and how to exercise them. Bill Williams, one of Davis High's social studies educators, joins us to discuss the curriculum surrounding student rights, how to approach law enforcement, and what’s important to practice to ensure our voice is heard. Gwynn Canfield further investigates how seniors prepare to vote for their first election in March. Naneh Grigor informs how to register to vote for the primaries.

Hosted by Rowan Reising. Produced by Camile Reyes Rojas. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Naneh Grigor and Gwynn Canfield.


Measuring Up Measure N

Today, The New Cycle focuses on Measure N, a ballot measure coming up in the March election. We interview Elizabeth Bourne, who filed a cease and desist letter against the Davis Joint Unified School district for allegedly using district funds to urge people to support measure N. The News Cycle also interviews her lawyer, Jesse Franklin-Murdock, who filed and wrote the cease and desist letter. After that conversation, the News Cycle interviews Kristin Conner, the public information’s officer at the DJUSD. Additionally, Rowan Reising gives us everything you need to know about measure N, and the positions for and against it. Hosted and produced by Noah Meyer. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez. Package by Rowan Reising.

PHOTO: Image of a banner hung up by the DJUSD that has been called into question.

Careers, Hoops, Languages, Grammys: Current Events

Today, the News Cycle visits an array of topics, from life after High school to amateur critiquing of the annual Grammy Awards. Noah Meyer reports on the different pathways popular for Davis High graduates. Tightly squeezed together in the home gym of Davis High, students radiated school spirit. Alessandra Trask has the story. Marion Delarue went to the World Language Fair, an event that had not taken place since 2018. Finally, Camile Reyes Rojas evaluates the results of the 2024 Grammy Awards, the nominees, and the category winners.

Hosted by Rowan Reising. Produced by Camile Reyes Rojas. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez.

Another Generation of Athletes and Officials

The News Cycle spotlights youth sports. The News Cycle talks to Robert Larson, the head of the City of Davis Youth Basketball program. Sean Campbell creates a package recapping winter sports from 2023, and Boyeon Choi profiles some of what referees experience in youth sports. Podcast Packages by Sean Campbell and Boyeon Choi. Hosted by Noah Meyer. Produced and edited by Noah Meyer. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez.

PHOTO: Teams line up before a game during the city of Davis's Youth Basketball program. CREDIT: Justin Hickey

Taking a Step Back

Today, the News Cycle talked to Davis High social studies teacher Kevin Williams about the Korean Culture Exchange Club, a group he has facilitated for around ten years. We discuss the impact of traveling abroad and advice to those seeking experience overseas. Maya Malinowski reports on the benefits of volunteering, as well as the different ways to do it.

Podcast Package by Maya Malinowski. Hosted and produced by Rowan Reising. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez.

New Year, New Goals, New Opportunities

The News Cycle talks to Avid teacher Kelly McInturf about creating goals for the new year. Sean Campbell creates a package recapping winter sports from 2023, and Naneh Grigor interviews students about New Year's Resolutions. Podcast Packages by Sean Campbell and Naneh Grigor. Hosted by Noah Meyer. Produced and edited by Camile Reyes Rojas. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez.

PHOTO: Senior Derek Barker drives to the hoop as the Blue Devils try to rebound from last season and improve on their record. CREDIT: Alessandra Trask 

Get Acquainted with Paul's Place

Today the News Cycle explores Paul’s Place, a shelter for the unhoused, and comfort during these cold months. We talked with Executive Director of Davis Community Meals and Housing Tracy Fauver and long-term resident of Paul’s Place Ricardo Carr. Later in the episode, Camile Reyes Rojas reports on how people give back to those who are less fortunate and ways to be proactive in the community.

Podcast Package by Camile Reyes Rojas. Tour and interview segment by Rowan Reising. Produced and edited by Camile Reyes Rojas. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jiminez.


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